Come See What We’re Up to

Hogs & Kisses Farm Sanctuary established in 2020, but opened barn doors in May 2021. We have been building a micro-sanctuary from the ground up, but our love for animals is anything but micro! Check out these videos to get to know us a bit better.

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About Us

Hogs & Kisses believes that all animals deserve love and respect, even the ones that typically end up on plates. We are a 501(c)3 non-profit farm sanctuary with the mission of creating the best possible life for farm animals while inspiring compassion for all living beings.

The founder, Anne Molina, has been vegan for a decade and is fulfilling her dream by starting this sanctuary. Ella Magers, an ethical vegan for over 25 years, helped Anne become vegan as it is her life's work to transition people to a plant-based diet. And they met James Aubry, from London, England, through our shared love for animals. James may have 'only' been vegan for five and a half years but he is such an integral part of this small but mighty Hogs & Kisses team. ⁣

Together, we as passionate animal lovers are dedicated to not only saving the lives of farm animals, but also supporting our local wildlife... plus supporting people to go vegan and helping others start their own micro-sanctuaries!


We create the best possible life for farm animals while inspiring compassion for all living beings.

Board Members

Founder of Hogs & Kisses,
President and Treasurer

Vegan for a decade. Avid animal lover. Fulfilling her dream by starting this sanctuary

Vice President

Vegan for 25 years. Avid animal lover. Coaches people transitioning to a vegan lifestyle.


Vegan for 5 years. Loves animals and inspires a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle. Triathlete.

Legal Counsel

Avid animal lover. Lawyer. Founder of Reclaimed Earth, nonprofit dedicated to endangered wildlife conservation.

Meeting Minutes

Feel free to review our board meeting agendas and notes. We are committed to transparency. As our organization grows we will share other materials, but do bear with us as we are just getting started.

Meeting Notes


Veganism - What does vegan mean?

As defined by The Vegan Society, "Veganism is a philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—as far as is possible and practicable—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing, or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of animals, humans and the environment. In dietary terms it denotes the practice of dispensing with all products derived wholly or partly from animals."

Sanctuary and Factory Farming

What is a sanctuary? Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries defines “sanctuary” as “any facility providing temporary or permanent safe haven to animals in need while meeting the principles of true sanctuaries: providing excellent and humane care for their animals in a non-exploitative environment and having ethical policies in place.”

Farm sanctuaries first emerged in the 1980s in reaction to factory farming abuses and are quite large, as animal lovers usually want to save ALL animals. However in recent years, more people are adopting a plant-based diet or becoming vegan and developing an interest in caring for farm animals as well. This interest has given birth to “micro-sanctuaries” where a smaller scale of animals live out their lives peacefully.

To learn more about factory farming, visit

To learn more about microsanctuaries, visit

Beet Around the Barn

Hogs & Kisses creates an educational discussion series for plant-based curious, vegan, sanctuary life, and animal activism audiences on our YouTube channel. It is a round table discussion called, "Beet Around the Barn." We want to model healthy discussions on topics this spectrum of audience might care about (ie. should vegans own cats? will eating plants save our planet? what is a sanctuary? where do vegan athletes get their protein?) We like highlighting normal plant-based and/or vegan people having thought provoking and open dialogue on these topics.

You can watch all episodes on YouTube at Watch Now

Become a Fairy Hog-mother or Bun-mother!

"All you need is trust and a little bit of pixie dust." - James Barrie

Wishes CAN come true, with a little help each month. For animals who have been abandoned ready to die from overheating or starvation, or barely saved from slaughter, or had needs neglected, food and medicines are a necessity! And miracles don't always need big efforts, with only:

$10 per month for hay, or $17 per month for green lettuces, or $23 per month for medical check-ups and vaccines, our bunnies will never feel neglected again.

$20 per month for apples for medicines, or $25 per month for medical check-ups and vaccines, or $40 per month for feed, our pigs will be able to thrive!

Click on any of our rescued animals to sponsor them monthly and become their Fairy Hog-mother or Bun-mother today!

Plaques For Piggies

Become a part of our sanctuary… literally from the ground up! We are building more fencing to rescue more piggies. You think of a heart-felt message or simply put your name onto a personalize plaque, and we’ll make sure that piece of you lives here forever supporting our animals.

You can choose a standard plaque, which will be placed on fence sections, or for a bit more, you can choose the exact location. Maybe you want to make your mark on our barn?! Your message will be made into a large plaque and live where our piggies sleep.

And for those of you who want to notably put your name on our official Hogs & Kisses sign, you will have only 2 chances! We will engrave your names onto our sanctuary signage to join our animal legacy.